Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Solving Problem of Mathematics

Rachma Hanan Tiasto
International Mathematics Education
Mathematics For Junior High School 2

      Page 43, Number 1 (A Way to Presenting Relations)
1.    Make a arrow diagram from set K = (Pontianak, Medan, Padang, Kendari, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Semarang) to set P = (West Java, Middle Java, DI Yogyakarta, North Sumatra, West Kalimatan, South Sulawesi) that shows relation of “capital city of” .
First you determine the pair of set.
-        Pontianak is paired with West Kalimantan because the capital city of West Kalimantan is Pontianak.
-        Medan is paired with North Sumatra because the capital city of North Sumatra is Medan.
-        Padang is paired with West Sumatra because the capital city of West Sumatra is Padang.
-        Kendari is paired with Southeast Sulawesi because the capital city of Southeast Sulawesi is Kendari.
-        Yogyakarta is paired with Southeast Sulawesi because the capital city of DI Yogyakarta is Yogyakarta.
-        Bandung is paired with Southeast Sulawesi because the capital city of  West Java is Bandung.
-        Semarang is paired with Southeast Sulawesi because the capital city of Middle Java is Semarang.
 After you determine the pair of each element, we make the diagram.

        Page 223, Number 1 (Circumference andArea of Circle)
2.     The radius of a circle which has diameter 28 cm is…
a.                            12 cm                      c. 14 cm
b.                            13 cm                      d. 15 cm
We know that the diameter of a circle is twice from the radius of the a circle or 2r. So, the formula is d = 2r or r = d / 2
From the question above, the diameter of a circle is 28 cm then 28 cm devided by 2 snd we will get 14 cm.
Thus 14 cm is the radius of a circle and we choose a. 14 cm.

      Page 155, Number 4 (Right Triangles)
3.     The hypotenuse of right triangle is 8 cm long. If the lenght one of the legs is 5 cm, then the lenght of other leg is...
a.                            6.25                        c. 8.25
b.                            7.25                        d. 9.25
Assumed that we have rigth triangle ABC.

We know that the lenght one of the legs is 5 cm and the hypotenuse is 8 cm. So, we will to find the length of other leg with pythagoras theorem. The formula to find the leg is c2 = a2 – b2
Accordingly, 5 cm is b, x cm is c and 8 cm is a.

So, we put the value to the formula
c2 = a2 - b2
x2 = 82- 52
x2 = 64 - 25
x2 = 39
x  = 6.25

      Page 127, Number 3 (Solving The Word Problem)
4.     The price of seven kilograms of rice and two kilograms of sugar is Rp 44,000.00. While the price of five   kilograms of rice and four kilograms of sugar is Rp 43,000.00. If the rice is notated by b and sugar is notated by g then the problem can be written in mathematical expression of...
a.       7b + 2g = 44,000.00 and 5b + 4g = 43,000.00
b.      2b + 7g = 43,000.00 and 5b + 4g = 44,000.00
c.       7b + 2g = 44,000.00 and 4b + 5g = 43,000.00
d.      2b + 7g = 43,000.00 and 4b + 5g = 44,000.00
From the question above, change the given information in the world word problem into mathematical expression. Assumed that rice  is b and sugar is g.
·        The price of seven kilograms of rice and two kilograms of sugar is Rp 44,000.00. So, 7b + 2g = 44,000.00.
·        The price of five kilograms of rice and four kilograms of sugar is Rp 43,000.00.So, 5b + 4g = 43,000.00
Therefore you get mathematical expression.
Thus, 7b + 2g = 44,000.00
          5b + 4g = 43,000.00
The answer is a.

     Page 37, Number 20 (Operation of Algebraic Expression)
5.    Mr. Yahya buys orange, apple, and grape as much as 12 kg in total. The orange is 2 kg heavier than the apple and 1 kg heavier than the grape. The weight of each friut bought by Mr. Yahya are...
(Hint: let, o = orange’s weight, a = apples’s weight, g = grape’s weight)
a.       o = 3, a = 4, g = 5
b.      o = 5, a = 4, g = 3
c.       o = 4, a = 3, g = 5
d.      o = 5, a = 3, g = 4
First, determine the each weight of fruit that buy by Mr.Yahya.the total weight of fruit (orange, apple, and grape) that Mr. Yahya buy is 12 kg. Accordingly, o + a + g = 12 kg .
The orange is 2 kg heavier than the apple. So, from this information we get o = 2 + a (i) . Accordingly, the weight of orange is the weight of apple plus 2.
The orange is 1 kg heavier than the grape. So, from this information we get o = 1 + g (ii).  Accordingly, the weight of orange is the weight of grape plus 1.
So, we will use subsitution method.
(i)                       o = 2 + a                (ii) o = 1 + g
            a = o – 2                      g = o – 1
then we subsitute the equation that we get to
o + a + g                                          = 12 kg
o + (o-2) + (o-1)                             = 12 kg
3o – 3                                              = 12 kg
3o                                                    = 12 + 3
3o                                                    = 15
o                                                      = 5 kg
From the result of the weight of orange we subsitute to the apple and grape.
The weight of apple is 5 kg minus 2 kg equals 3 kg.
The weight of grape is 5 kg minus 1 kg equals 4 kg.
Thus, the answer is d. o = 5, a = 3, g = 4

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Cita-Cita Terbesar

Dalam sebuah perjalanan hidup, cita-cita terbesar adalah menuju kesempurnaan. Ada kalanya kita mesti berjuang, serta belajar menyikapi segala rahasia dalam kehidupan.
Perjalanan menuju kesempurnaan adalah proses yang menentukan setiap tapak langkah kita. Setiap hembusan nafas, detak jantung, dari siang menuju malam. Semua menuju titik yang sama, kesempurnaan.
Setiap insan mempunyai hak yang sama atas waktu. Tidak ada seorangpun melebihi dari yang lain. Namun tak jarang setiap kita berbeda dalam mensikapinya. Ada yang berjuang untuk melewatinya dengan membunuh waktu. Tidak pula sedikit yang merasakan sempitnya kesempatan yang ia punya.
Apa rahasia terbesar dalam hidup ini? melewati hari ini dengan penuh makna. Makna tentang cinta, ilmu, dan iman. Dengan cinta hidup menjadi indah. Dengan ilmu hidup menjadi mudah. Dan dengan iman hidup menjadi terarah.


Guru yang Terbaik

Apakah anda ingat akan guru terbaik anda pada masa sekolah, guru yang memberi inspirasi bagi anda untuk belajar dan mengerjakan yang terbaik? Guru tersebut memberi tantangan bagi anda untuk maju, lebih dari guru-guru lain. Awalnya, mungkin tantangan ekstra itu terasa tidak adil, atau malah kejam. Tetapi sekarang anda akan memandang berbeda. Anda memandangnya dengan rasa hormat dan percaya, bahwa karena tantangan itulah anda bisa maju.
Saat ini ada guru hebat yang masih mengajar anda. Ia adalah “kehidupan”. Kehidupan adalah guru terbaik. Tapi pelajarannya sering terasa keras, tajam, dan kadang kejam. Di sana ada kekecewaan, kesedihan, kebingungan, kesendirian dan frustrasi dalam setiap pengajarannya.
Pelajaran dari kehidupan adalah keras, tetapi karenanya kita memperoleh pelajaran dan pertumbuhan terbesar. Kehidupan menantang kita dan mendorong kita lebih tinggi. Ia membantu menyingkapkan karakter sejati kita, dan dengan cara itu mendorong kita membangun karakter yang lebih kuat.
Di luar segala pelajaran itu, renungkanlah. Guru yang paling mencintai dan memelihara kita itu telah membangun yang terbaik dari diri kita. Mungkin kita sekarang tidak menghargainya, tetapi akan tiba harinya anda akan bersyukur. Sama seperti kita bersyukur atas guru sekolah kita dulu.
